Enjoying Nature in the PNW
While we enjoyed seeing the sights of the city in Seattle, we truly are not city people. We are happiest when we are in nature and Seattle and the surrounding areas have so much nature to offer! Lucky for us, our friends Brealyn and Than live in Seattle and we were able to meet up with them. After a delicious biscuit brunch they took us to The Seattle Japanese Garden! This place was so beautiful! We had fun learning about some of the trees planted there (including one planted by Crown Princess Michiko of Japan on October 5, 1960!) and feeding the koi!

Puget Sound and Discovery Park
One of my favorite places in Seattle was Discovery Park! It’s altogether way too easy to forget that Seattle is bustling just beyond the trees behind you as you watch the sailboats go by. Visitors sit on the moss covered rocks, watching the waves and dogs play in the water. It’s a peaceful place and being able to walk along Puget Sound was something I’ve always wanted to cross off my bucket list! Check out our session with our new friends, Hayley and Tim for more Discovery Park views!
Rattlesnake Ridge
On our last day in Washington, we climbed to the top of Rattlesnake Ridge and my goodness, it was beautiful! On our way up we saved many slugs from a sure demise in the middle of the path and even ran into a mountain climbing dog! There is a stunning lake at the bottom of the path, but the view from the top was unbelievable! It was the perfect way to end our trip to the Pacific Northwest! We are so thankful to have this wonderful opportunity and to have met so many incredible people along the way!
Enjoying Nature in the PNW