The road leading into Siena snakes its way past shops and farmer’s markets, taking you into the heart of the city. Each turn climbing higher and into the bustling town. Sitting atop those famous, rolling Tuscan hills Siena is a sight to behold. Filled with medieval brick buildings, steep streets and sweeping valleys, the city offers so many treasures. This Siena Elopement was the perfect way to explore the city while doing what I love most!
Consuelo and Fulvio have such natural chemistry and a sweetness to their love. They are gentle with one another and they frequently shared glances that easily turned to laugher. Conseulo wore an incredible two piece gown. Her hairpiece from Megan Therese Couture pinned back her flowing brunette waves perfectly. And Fulvio looked handsome in a classic look by Bucco Couture. Every detail planned by Amanda with AMV Weddings was exquisite.
Exploring Siena
We began their portraits in the heart of the city, at Piazza Del Campo. With Pubblico Palace, the gothic style town hall at the base of the piazza serving as our backdrop. The Tower of Mangia soared above our heads and pigeons watched us from window ledges. The piazza was fairly empty aside from a handful of on lookers. It was hard to believe that this is the same piazza as the famous Palio di Siena. Palio di Siena is a famous horse race in which the various neighborhoods from the city challenge one another. I’d love to return to Siena to see this!

The Italian Light
As we made our way down the narrow streets to our next location, a group of school children passed by, stopping to stare in awe at Conseulo. It was absolutely adorable! We ended our session at the Doumo di Siena. But as we made our way through the arched alleyways and around tight corners, we suddenly came upon the most striking staircase. Bathed in beautiful, Italian light it was begging to be photographed. The image of Conseulo and Fulvio ascending these steps is one of my favorites from our time in Italy. (See more images from Italy here.) At the top of the stairs, we passed through an ornate wall. This is what would have been part of an expansion that was planned for the cathedral in the 1300’s. This never came to be and these walls still stand to this day.

Once atop the stairs, we rounded another corner to the front of the Duomo di Siena, a true architectural wonder. This impressive 13th century marble cathedral is marvelously detailed. I could have stayed all day, gazing at its lion gargoyles and ornate design. It was the perfect way to kiss our time in Siena goodbye.

Follow the Creative Team from this Siena elopement on Instagram!
Photographer: Alison Mae Photography @alisonmaephotography
Planning, Styling + Design: AMV Weddings @amv_weddings
Venue: Grand Hotel Continental @grandhotelcontinentalsiena
Hair/Makeup: Madeline Eleanor @ByMadelineEleanor
Flowers: Flowersliving @flowersliving
Transportation: Bella Italia Tour @bellaitaliatour
Menswear: Bucco Couture @buccocouture
Jewelry: Victor Barbone @victorbarbonejewelry
Dress: Antonella Del Brusco Milano @antonella_del_brusco
Hairpiece: Megan Therese Couture @megantheresecouture
Earrings: Rachel & Rose Collection @rachelandrosecollection
Shoes: Something Bleu @somethingbleu